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Real-time online bank transfers available in nine European markets. Redirects to bank account from merchant checkout, secures with one-time passcode of TAN sent by bank.

What is Sofort (Klarna)?

Sofort is a real-time bank transfer payment method with high popularity in Europe, mainly in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Shoppers can select Sofort as a payment method at online checkout, then Sofort redirects them to their bank environment to proceed with the bank transfer immediately

Who is Sofort (Klarna) for?

Sofort is available as a payment method in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland and Spain. Sofort is highly popular for general online shopping such as e-commerce, travel and digital goods. Merchants planning to grow in the DACH region can reach millions of potential customers by offering this payment method.

Available integration methods

Sofort is available via Nuvei’s hosted payment pages (Cashier and Checkout) which provide access to the Sofort interface. Sofort can also be integrated via server-to-server method through Rest API.

Pricing plans for e-commerce clients

Fees applied for online or mobile payments

EEA consumer cards

+ € 0.20

Per transaction

All other consumer and commercial cards​

+ € 0.20

Per transaction

Alternative payment methods

From 1.35%
+ € 0.20

Per transaction

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