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MasterCard is a global credit card network that regulates and processes credit/debit/prepaid cards.

What is Mastercard?

It is of the four major credit card networks, including Visa, Deliver, and American Express. In 2019, MasterCard earned a total revenue of $16.9 billion, with a payment volume of $6.5 trillion. MasterCard’s main products include consumer credit, consumer debit, prepaid cards, and commercial product business. 

Available integration methods

Mastercard is available via hosted payment pages  which provide access to the Mastercard payment method. Mastercard can also be integrated via server to server method through REST API.  

Pricing plans for e-commerce clients

Fees applied for online or mobile payments

EEA consumer cards

+ € 0.20

Per transaction

All other consumer and commercial cards​

+ € 0.20

Per transaction

Alternative payment methods

From 1.35%
+ € 0.20

Per transaction

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