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Klarna payments

Integrated e-commerce solution. Gives customer 14 days to pay for goods.

What is Klarna?

Klarna is Stockholm-based licensed bank and one of the world’s leading payment providers. It acquired SOFORT in 2014, forming the Klarna Group. It offers several different payment products to users: immediate payment (Pay now); delayed payment (Pay later); and installments (Financing).

Who is Klarna for?

Klarna has a large consumer base across Europe, comprising 10% if the e-commerce market in northern Europe. Globally, it provides payment services to 90 million consumers, and 200,000 merchants, with 20 million app downloads, and one million transactions per day.

Available integration methods

Klarna is available via Nuvei’s hosted payment pages (Cashier and Checkout) which provide access to the Klarna interface. Klarna can be also integrated via server-to-server method through REST API.

Klarna shopping experience

  1. Shopper selects Sofort from list of payment methods at checkout

2. Shopper selects country, local bank, and then enters details: bank name, code, IBAN, BIC

3. Shopper logs in to online banking interface

4. Shopper confirms transaction and receives TAN code via mobile

5. Shopper receive TAN code to mobile device and uses it to confirm payment

6. Payment is confirmed and shopper is redirected back to merchant’s site

Pricing plans for e-commerce clients

Fees applied for online or mobile payments

EEA consumer cards

+ € 0.20

Per transaction

All other consumer and commercial cards​

+ € 0.20

Per transaction

Alternative payment methods

From 1.35%
+ € 0.20

Per transaction

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