Real-time payment system used by Dutch banks to guarantee real-time Internet payments. Supported by major Dutch banks.
290 Maryam Springs 260, Courbevoie, Paris, France
Real-time payment system used by Dutch banks to guarantee real-time Internet payments. Supported by major Dutch banks.
What is iDeal?
iDeal holds the market leading position when it comes to online payment method in the Netherlands. It’s a real-time bank transfer supported by all major Dutch banks, which also means that the confirmation is almost immediate. iDeal has high brand-trust among Dutch shoppers for both mobile and desktop purchases and it is offered in over 60 countries for cross-border shoppers with a Dutch bank account.
Who is iDeal for?
iDeal is perfect for businesses offering online goods and services for shoppers because it is the most popular online payment method in the Netherlands.
Available integration methods
iDeal is available via hosted payment pages (Cashier and Checkout) which provide access to the iDeal interface. iDeal can be also integrated via server-to-server method through REST API.
Fees applied for online or mobile payments
Per transaction
Per transaction
Per transaction
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