Click to pay (Visa Checkout)
Time-saving online payment method that saves clicks by storing customer information.
290 Maryam Springs 260, Courbevoie, Paris, France
Time-saving online payment method that saves clicks by storing customer information.
What is Click to pay (Visa Checkout)?
Click to pay is an online wallet payment method from Visa to shorten the online shopping process. For registered users, there is no need to fill in their card details and billing information. Therefore, the whole checkout experience is minimized to as few as two simple steps. Click to pay is compatible with both online and in-app payments, providing a frictionless shopping experience. Since its launch in 2014, Click to pay has expanded to 23 markets worldwide and has gained over 20 million active users. It’s globally accepted by over 340,000 merchants. Visa launched Click to pay in the UK in 2017, and reached over 1 million active users by the end of the same year. As Visa enjoys a high level of brand trust owing to its credit card payment method, additional Visa-developed payment methods (Visa Debit, VPay) grow fast across countries.
Who is Click to pay (Visa Checkout) for?
Click to pay is a good fit for any industry offering online checkout options. It’s an emerging online wallet payment method for a shorter and frictionless shopping experience.
Available integration methods
This payment method is currently available via Nuvei’s hosted payment pages (Cashier and Checkout), which provide access to the Click to pay web interface. Click to pay can also be integrated via server- to-server connection through REST API.
Fees applied for online or mobile payments
Per transaction
Per transaction
Per transaction
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